First of all a big thankyou to our current committee who have done a great job in the last 2 years.

President: Mark Bill

Captain: Karl Roberts

Committee members: Darren Buck, Kev Kempers, Marilyn O’Brien

They did a fantastic job organising the presentation night, fixtures, club events, social events, members draws, results and much more. Your work was much appreciated and done with great enthusiasm.

Thank you also to Nic Pull with your help throughout the year with the club and making the time to come to committee meetings and spending hours with miclub and GolfWA setting up many of the events.

It is with pleasure to announce our new committee for a 2 year term starting 1st July 2021.

President: Kev Kempers

Captain: Dave Amos

Committee members: Stephen McLaren, Matt Bowles, Rosa Muchmore, John Muchmore, Cameron Branchi and Paul Wiltshire.

There will be some exciting golf and social events to come and I’m very much looking forward to working with such a great team.